The Cattery Crew: Q&A with Nancy Judy


Nancy Judy with Cattery Cat

Volunteering as a Cattery Animal Care Technician Assistant is the Cats Meow!

Snuggles, feeding, socializing and much more! Our cattery crew volunteers are there to support our feline friends daily. This week is Volunteer Appreciation Week and we chatted with Cattery Animal Care Technician Asssitant, Nancy Judy to talk about her variety of experiences as an OHS volunteer.

OHS volunteer with cat When did you start volunteering at OHS and what has your volunteer journey been like?

Nancy Judy: I started 6 years ago. When I started volunteering here, I thought ‘well I’ll get my dog fix’. Then they walked us through the cat area and they were so sweet and I thought ‘oh I want to work with the cats’. Since then, I have learned so much about cats from the experienced people that I’ve worked with. I started in animal socialization. Then I decided I wanted to show cats and I loved that and have continued since then.

I wanted to learn how to be an Animal Care Technician Assistant and I love that. I learned that they needed help with spay and save. Most recently, they opened up a wellness assistant volunteer position. I got to help with vaccinations and wellness exams for all of the foster animals coming in.

Do you have a current favorite shelter pet or maybe one from the past? Who are they and why are they your favorite?

Nancy Judy: The one that’s in my home right now is of course my favorite, Meatball. He was a staff favorite.  Everyone was always visiting him. He is the friendliest cat in the world. I just fell madly in love with him.

Why is animal welfare important to you?

Nancy Judy: I’ve always loved animals. Coming here and seeing the investigation cases and the treatment of animals and what they go through, it’s just heartrending, so I want to help.

Animal care technician volunteer with cat

Do you have an animal that inspires you? Who are they and why do they inspire you?

Nancy Judy: Most recently, we had a blind cat who just went out to foster.  He just loves life and that’s all he knows. He plays with the toys we give him and he just seems delighted. I would feel so sorry for myself. I would be sitting in a corner crying. These cats and dogs just enjoy life and that’s heartwarming to see. That’s a lesson to learn.

For anyone interested in volunteering at OHS, what advice do you have for them?

Nancy Judy: Go through the orientation and jump in. Ask questions, don’t be shy.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as an OHS volunteer?

Nancy Judy: I really enjoyed doing various things around the shelter and getting to know people in different departments. I love it. I’m going to be here as long as I can.

Learn more about volunteering at OHS.