Past Legislation

Past Legislation Oregon consistently ranks among the top three states in the nation based on the strength of its laws protecting animals. During this year’s legislative session in Salem, OHS will once again work in support of new measures to fight animal cruelty and bring offenders to justice. Highlights of the current session will be included […]

Reactive Dog Training

Reactive Dog Training Classes Classes for Small Reactive Dogs Does your tiny dog have a big bark when they see other dogs, people, or scary objects? These in-person classes are designed for small reactive dogs, under 25 pounds, and age 6 months and older. Class Location Oregon Humane Society Portland CampusAnimal Medical Learning Center1067 NE […]

Top Volunteers of 2017 Honored for Helping Pets at OHS

Volunteers honored for their compassion and spirit of giving back. Exceptional volunteers who go above and beyond were honored by the Oregon Humane Society including Janet Bates who was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award. Janet has been a dedicated volunteer for 18 years and an invaluable mentor to others. More than 5,000 volunteers […]

The Purr-fect Ring Bearer

Oliver Nacho charms guests at his adopter’s wedding It’s not every day that you see a cat playing the role of a ring bearer in a wedding. But Oliver Nacho is no ordinary cat. He came to OHS in 2018 and had trouble finding the right match. Many prospective adopters were deterred by his special […]

Q&A: The Skinny on Skin

Skin issues are one of the most common, and often challenging, health problems that affect our pets. While all that itching and licking may seem annoying to us, it can be extremely uncomfortable for animals. “I don’t think people really appreciate how stressful skin problems can be for our pets,” says Dr. Stephen Kochis, OHS […]

A Look Back at 2015: Animal Physical Therapy

OHS staff member Tyler, coordinator of the Animal Physical Therapy program, reflects on how much growth the program experienced in 2015. A Look Back at 2015 At the beginning of the year I knew that it was time to build the program up, so I put down my blowtorch and danced myself right into the […]

OHS Facebook Terms

The Oregon Humane Society Portland Campus and Salem Campus Facebook Pages are places for people to share our love of pets. We encourage adopters to post your own updates, and to interact with our posts by sharing, commenting, and more. We welcome your ideas, feedback, and constructive criticism. That said, please understand that we are […]