When little Tequila’s tooth became infected, his family didn’t know where to turn. They were overwhelmed with where to begin, anxious about what services might be available to them so they called OHS to see what resources we had to offer, desperate for guidance.
Luckily for them, with the opening of the Community Veterinary Hospital (CVH), OHS also launched a Community Resource Center (CRC) which serves as a centralized calling center for the public. So, our CRC call team was there for Tequila and his family to help answer some of the big questions and guide them through the next steps to get Tequila care. It is your support that makes these services and access to care possible.
This incredible team will respond to animal-related inquiries like Tequila’s, and questions about training, reporting animal cruelty, surrendering a pet, and access to medical care. The CRC aims to build connections and give pets’ families a safe and comfortable place to come for resources and support.
So far, in just the first quarter of 2023, the CRC has assisted close to 10,000 community members, and the impact of services is far reaching. About 80% of clients and their pets live within the Portland metro area and 20% within the Salem and mid-Valley area. By far, the main inquiries we receive in the CRC are around adoption, surrendering a pet, and spay/neuter services.
In Tequila’s case, the family received a quote from a vet for treatment that was out of reach. They loved their sweet little pup, but worried surrender would be the only option to treat Tequila’s dental pain. Thankfully with the help of our CRC team, OHS connected this family with community resources and worked with the CVH to provide pain medication until sweet Tequila could be treated at the CVH for half the cost. With the addition of the CVH and the CRC, OHS has an extensive network of partner social service agencies for referrals, triage, and collaboration for pets like Tequila and their people. Thanks to your support, Tequila received the treatment he needed, and his family are still happily together, enjoying more loving moments as each other’s best friends