News & Blog

OHSTAR Assists with Horse and Rider Rescue

When animals are in distress, the OHS Technical Animal Rescue Team (OHSTAR) is ready to deploy. This volunteer team is trained in animal first aid and rescue to help trapped and stranded animals. They coordinate with a network of other agencies throughout the Pacific Northwest that are ready at a moment’s notice to save animals […]

Bacon Bubbles, Audio Books and Bird Videos

How enrichment techniques help fearful pets blossom. What do bacon bubbles, audio books and bird videos have in common? They are all enrichment tools used in the Behavior Modification (BMod) Program at the Oregon Humane Society. The BMod team works with dogs and cats who come to OHS needing in-depth care to address their fears, […]

Gimili’s Story

We want to tell you about a special dog named Gimili. Gimili and his former owner have been through a devastating time and are both ready to begin new chapters in their lives. Gimili’s connection to OHS began in September 2020 when a concerned family member called the behavior help line looking for advice for […]

Support for HB 2728

OHS Supports HB 2728 to Prohibit Coyote Killing Contests in Oregon Overview Oregon’s wildlife is managed for the benefit of all Oregonians, present and future. HB 2728 would prohibit gruesome coyote killing contests, which have occurred throughout Oregon over the past few years. These contests offer cash prizes and/or guns for the winner who kills […]