News & Blog

Help Pets with Fred Meyer Rewards

Fred Meyer Community Rewards If you are a Fred Meyer shopper, it’s as easy as pie to support the pets at OHS. Fred Meyer donates $2.5 million each year to nonprofits and community groups in our region selected by customers. NOTICE: existing Fred Meyer Rewards customers, you may need to renew! Anyone who signed up and/or […]

Deer Shot With Arrow – Reward Offered

OHS is contributing $500 to a $1,500 reward fund for information about a blacktail doe that was shot with an arrow out of season. The incident occurred in the area of Cherry Grove, Oregon in western Washington County. The injured deer was first noticed by local residents on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017. An image of the […]

2017 Diamond Collar Heroes Honored

From a Labrador retriever who brightens the lives of children in need to a young man who raises funds and delivers toys for shelter pets, OHS honors pets and people for heroic acts. The 2017 Diamond Collar Awards honored people and pets who have demonstrated courage and compassion for animals. A special lifetime achievement award was also […]

2017: A Spay Odyssey

Spay/Neuter Your Cats for FREE! Join us for a Spay Odyssey From February 27-March 3, 2017, the Spay & Save program will offer FREE spay/neuter surgeries for cats of low-income families at all surgery locations throughout the Portland metro area. Call 1-800-345-7729 for more information and to schedule your appointment today. Share this article with your […]

Meet The Authors

You are invited to meet two leading authors in the world of animal welfare at these book signing events. Amy Sutherland, Rescuing Penny Jane Best-selling writer and shelter volunteer Amy Sutherland will be sharing her experiences helping shelter dogs find their forever homes with her book release of Rescuing Penny Jane: One Shelter Volunteer, Countless Dogs, […]

Tell Washington to Stop Hiding the Records of Animal Abusers

Without warning, the US Department of Agriculture has removed from its website important inspection records about commercial dog breeding operations, animal research labs, roadside zoos and other facilities. The purging of these records without warning is a major setback for those seeking to protect animals from neglect and abuse. These reports provide essential information to […]