News & Blog

Italian Greyhounds Find Homes

A crowd of nearly 40 Italian greyhound fans gathered at the front door of OHS the morning of Jan. 8, eager to get the first chance at adopting one of the dogs relinquished by a local breeder. By the end of the day, all eight Italian greyhounds offered for adoption had found loving homes. OHS […]

Italian Greyhound Adoptions to Begin Jan. 8

The first group of Italian greyhounds relinquished to the Oregon Humane Society earlier this week from an overwhelmed breeder will be offered for adoption on Friday, Jan. 8. The dogs will be offered for adoption to the public on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning with the opening of the shelter at 10 am. OHS expects […]

Breeder Relinquishes Italian Greyhounds to OHS

A dog breeder who is no longer able to provide proper care for her animals today handed over 23 Italian greyhounds, including seven puppies, to OHS. The greyhounds, in addition to four of the owner’s personal pets, were being raised in a single family home in Hillsboro. The breeder voluntarily relinquished the dogs to OHS […]

Adoption Record Broken!

OHS set a new adoption record yesterday when it found a home for Panther, making the lucky nine-month-old cat the 11,522nd pet adopted from OHS in 2015. That number represents the most pets ever adopted by OHS in a single year since the new shelter facility opened in 2000. OHS, which has adopted more than 11,000 […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Lovers

Make the next year even better by taking to heart a New Year’s resolution for the pets in your life. OHS encourages everyone to adopt one (or more) of these resolutions for the upcoming year: 1. I will get exercise by walking and playing with my dog every day (see dog training and fitness classes offered […]

OHS Helps Pets During Evacuation

OHS has teamed up with Clackamas County to aid pets owned by apartment residents who were forced to evacuate because of a potential landslide. Earlier this week, residents of ten apartment units on S. Beavercreek Road in Oregon City were given mandatory evacuation orders because of the risk of landslides created by record rainfalls. Clackamas […]

IRA Rollover Gifts Can Help Pets

Congress today passed legislation that once again allows tax-favored gifts from IRA accounts. This is a great way to help pets and save on taxes. Under the new legislation (which is expected to be signed by the President shortly), a gift transferred directly from a donor’s IRA account to OHS at any point during 2015 […]

OHS Celebrates 11,000 Adoptions in 2015

Staff and volunteers at the Oregon Humane Society today celebrated the 11,000th adoption of 2015. The lucky dog was Beaugard, a two-year-old West Highland terrier who was adopted by Clint Bruton and Tammy Fields of NE Portland. “This is what the holidays are all about,” said Sharon Harmon, OHS executive director. “Our goal is to […]

Helping Dogs be Dogs

OHS often rescues or takes in pets who need extra care. That needed TLC may not be medical in nature, though—many of our toughest cases are pets who need training and behavioral help. To help unsocial or untrained pets become adoptable, we rely on the OHS Training and Behavior team. Five Dogs Finally Find Forever […]