New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Lovers

Make the next year even better by taking to heart a New Year’s resolution for the pets in your life. OHS encourages everyone to adopt one (or more) of these resolutions for the upcoming year:

Make a New Year's resolution for your pet.
New Year’s resolutions for pets

1. I will get exercise by walking and playing with my dog every day (see dog training and fitness classes offered by OHS here)

2. I will keep my cat mentally and physically healthy with at least five minutes of kitty playtime every day (lots of tips on great cat toys here).

3. I won’t miss veterinary exams needed by my pets.

4. I will be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves and will report animal neglect and abuse when I see it (make a report to OHS about suspected cruelty here).

5. I will give the gift of compassion by volunteering at a local shelter and/or by making a financial donation to help pets in need.


Let us know your resolutions in the comments. Happy New Year!