Black and white rabbit getting weighed by OHS med team

OHS News and Blog

Learn about OHS’ impact in our community and beyond, and discover new ways to support your pets at home.

  • OHS Rescues Horses from Neglect in Damascus

    A rescue team from OHS seized three horses on Feb. 23 from a woman in Damascus and discovered the body of a deceased horse on the property. The owner was cited […]

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  • Deer Shot With Arrow – Reward Offered

    OHS is contributing $500 to a $1,500 reward fund for information about a blacktail doe that was shot with an arrow out of season. The incident occurred in the area of […]

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  • 2017 Diamond Collar Heroes Honored

    From a Labrador retriever who brightens the lives of children in need to a young man who raises funds and delivers toys for shelter pets, OHS honors pets and people […]

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  • OHS Partners with Klamath Falls to Help Pets

    Thanks to supporters like you, OHS has become a leader in assisting pets in need of rescue. And through our Second Chance Program, we bring thousands of pets each year […]

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  • 2017: A Spay Odyssey

    Spay/Neuter Your Cats for FREE! Join us for a Spay Odyssey From February 27-March 3, 2017, the Spay & Save program will offer FREE spay/neuter surgeries for cats of low-income families […]

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  • Meet The Authors

    You are invited to meet two leading authors in the world of animal welfare at these book signing events. Amy Sutherland, Rescuing Penny Jane Best-selling writer and shelter volunteer Amy Sutherland […]

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  • Tell Washington to Stop Hiding the Records of Animal Abusers

    Without warning, the US Department of Agriculture has removed from its website important inspection records about commercial dog breeding operations, animal research labs, roadside zoos and other facilities. The purging […]

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  • Oregon Lawmakers: Oppose Cougar Trophy Hunting Bills

    Wildlife protection and conservation groups call on Oregon lawmakers to oppose cruel cougar trophy hunting bills A coalition of animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation groups are calling on Oregon […]

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  • Student Artists Honored for Their Love of Animals

    Dylan Mead, an eighth grade student at Brown Middle School in Hillsboro, has won the Grand Prize for best poster in the 68th annual OHS Be Kind to Animals Poster […]

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  • Rescued Birds Adopted

    One of the largest rescues in OHS history has concluded with the adoption of all the available rescued animals. OHS investigators seized 245 exotic bird this summer that were found […]

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